The Beauty Of Faithfulness

My heart is with the family. Matthew and I are asked to do quite a bit of marriage counseling – and I have to tell you it is heart breaking to see what is happening to our families. BUT this weekend was all about celebrating the blessing of faithfulness and FAMILY – lots of family :).

We have only known the Beggs family for six years, but it seems like a lifetime (in a good sort of way). We have watched Larry and Melanie walk through wonderful times and deep valleys, and we have seen them keep their eyes trained on Jesus.

True to a typical Beggs/Danuser experience, we arrived at their home around 3:30 Friday afternoon to find the area dug-out for the walk way, Larry digging up plants, and Kendyl trying to prime an arbor. It was time to pitch in and go to work…and we did until we had to bring out the flashlights! Ahhh, the things memories are made of!!! (Maybe we should try to make a different kind of memory – I’m thinking mountain retreat sounds nice!)

The long and short of it is after some of the crew got up at 5:00 Saturday morning – everyone looked BEAUTIFUL for pictures and the ceremony was wonderful. I love that their family is so big. I love that they are so loving (Jack and Ellyn will get there w/ each other), and I love how the younger ones adore their big brothers and sisters!

Without me jabbering on – here are more pics from the weekend!

Life…sort of…usually several are with a pig, goat, or dog!


Totally posed...but beautiful family!



The eldest and the youngest of the family

once again - waiting for his bride!

this is part of the group - another part is standing behind me

Mr.& Mrs. Larry Beggs…life around them is always colorful. They in turn color the lives of those they are around with grace, mercy, encouragement, and love.


God Bless you Larry and Melanie. None of us know what tomorrow holds, but we can rest knowing who holds tomorrow. May you continue to grow in your love for each other! We love you guys!!


For those of you who are on FB, here is a link to the entire album:

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4 Comments on “The Beauty Of Faithfulness”

  1. Norma Teagle
    April 19, 2010 at 8:02 am #

    Oh Sheila…this was absolutely beautiful! I had an ‘overflow’ from the eyes just looking as this wonderful family and the words you put into pictures! I have only know Melanie and Larry for a short time, but I have have that everything you say about them is true. They love, share, and encourage everyone that comes into their world.

    You have captured (as always) the inner heart of those you bring to Beyond Beauty.

    Love ya,

  2. Norma Teagle
    April 19, 2010 at 4:54 pm #

    OOPS, please forgive the typo’s…typing on only my first cup of coffee!!!!


  3. admin.
    April 19, 2010 at 8:14 pm #

    Norma, I cannot begin to count the times I have to go back and re-type. The funny thing is, I read your comment and thought – she is so sweet and encouraging ! I think I totally missed the typos! I tend to read fast and type fast – both of which gets me into BIG trouble!!

    Love you too! I appreciate the comments.

  4. Lyndsie
    April 19, 2010 at 10:54 pm #

    You did such a wonderful job on capturing every special moment from Saturday! These pictures and your friendship is truly “Beyond Beautiful”! Love you!!!

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