Finding Focus Along the Way

I started out writing  a very philosophical blog about control and focus. But I have to tell you friends, I’m not up to finishing it. I’m going to tell you the story behind the pictures and let you walk with me for a little while today.

A while back one of Matt’s friends from High School encouraged me to write about my journey with Mom and Alzheimer’s. I’ve done that a along the way as time and thoughts come.

This past week has been one of those weeks. You know the times – when it’s so easy to focus on the tough. Days when you DECIDE to focus on the good.

So here is the good.

*Kissing mom on the top of her head while she is resting peacefully on the couch and having her smile up at me and say, “Hi sweetheart.”

*Cooking with my daughters. Making salmon cakes – a recipe that mom taught them. Listening to Christmas music – because it soothes Mom.

*Eating together as a family.

*Sharing laughter in the van over silly things.

*Trying to convince Mom that we DID NOT own McDonald’s restaurant or that it wasn’t our home – we were only enjoying an ice cream cone.


     *Spending time on the playground with some of my family. Mom loves the playground. She loves smiles from her grandchildren more.

*Hugs – ones that warm you through and through.

When Hannah girl jumped off the swing, Mom walked over to her and said in her scratchy little voice, “Give me a hug, Hannah”. You would have had to have been there to enjoy this moment. Mom was completely taken with watching Hannah swing – worrying like she always does about her feet being cold, then Hannah smiled at her, assured her everything was okay and jumped off. Mom needed a hug. I love the sweet smile on her face.

*Contentment and peace on the face of my mom.

     *Hands that hold tight, that communicate love, that lend security, that guide & protect.


Mom Nutter, a dear friend of mine, recommended reading One Thousand Gifts. I took her up on that recommendation. There are so many gifts that we often overlook.   There is good in the trials – because through them we learn of His deeper love, His greater sufficiency, His greater grace.

Today, I chose to focus.

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