Lighting & Time of Day

Lighting & Time of Day

I’ve read over and over again that in photography lighting is everything!DSC_2475_417 copy

You’ve heard the saying in real -estate: location, location, location.

I’ve heard in photography: lighting, lighting, lighting!

I don’t own a studio as such so most of my work is done outside on location.

It is important to know the best time of day to shoot a session and what to do if you’re forced to work with less than perfect lighting situations.

My favorite time of day to shoot is early afternoon. The light is warm and beautiful.

Early morning light is a cooler light but easy to work with as well.

The main reason for early morning light and afternoon light is the lack of harsh shadows caused by mid-day light.

The great equalizer in everything is shade. Add a softbox for creative lighting and you are good to go. A reflector is also a great tool to bounce light into a subject’s face to avoid “flat” lighting.

I love using window light. It can create a portrait as soft or dramatic as you like.

Using a fill flash in brightly lit pictures can help alleviate some shadows and bring out background details. I just don’t happen to carry my larger flash with me most of the time. I need it to compensate for the lens on my camera. :).

If you want to improve your photography, look for ways to improve your lighting skills. A snapshot is just that – a picture taken with even lighting – and everyone’s taking them with the advancement of digital cameras today. A portrait has dimension and depth to it…it takes thought and planning.

Orchestrate your next shoot, plan to manipulate the light to work with and for you to achieve your best work!

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